With a little love and some water, these indoor plants can make it anywhere.

Philodendron Narrow
Like all philodendrons, you have to be careful to not overwater it. Only give it a drink when the soil is completely dry. When it comes to light, it likes it bright or medium and indirect.

Bloomscape Rubber Tree
This Plant can grow up to 25 feet indoors. When it comes to light, it does well when it’s bright and indirect. Keep the soil moist during the growing season, which is summer. In the winter, the soil needs less moisture.

Costa Farms Jade
Unlike other plants, it can survive a day of direct sunlight. Place it in a pot with a drainage hole and water every two weeks only when the top two inches of soil are dry. To keep it looking fresh, just give dying or dry branches a snip.

Frond and Folia Ficus Alii
The beautiful long green foliage makes it stand out from other ficus trees. Plus, it’s more durable and less prone to dropping its leaves. It needs plenty of indirect sunlight and will not survive in low light. Keep the soil consistently moist and only let the top inch dry before watering.

ZZ Plant
The beautiful long green foliage makes it stand out from other ficus trees. Plus, it’s more durable and less prone to dropping its leaves. It needs plenty of indirect sunlight and will not survive in low light. Keep the soil consistently moist and only let the top inch dry before watering.

Spider Plant
Even if you skip town for the weekend and forget to assign a friend plant-sitting duties, the spider plant will not punish you for neglecting it. The self-propagating, air-cleaning, petite, and pretty spider plant will grow in low to bright indirect light.

Zebra Plant
The beautiful long green foliage makes it stand out from other ficus trees. It needs plenty of indirect sunlight and will not survive in low light. Keep the soil consistently moist and only let the top inch dry before watering.

Bonsai Tree
Bonsai is the Japanese art of pruning in which small trees mimic the scale and shape of a full-size tree. The ficus bonsai thrives in warm environments, so indoors is ideal. They require high sunlight and can survive occasional over- or underwatering.

Prickly Pear Cactus
Funky and unfussy, cacti are probably the poster plants for non-garden environments. They only require watering once a week while growing, and during cooler weather, you can get away with watering every few weeks to a month. Place it in a sunny area but keep out of direct sunlight, which can make the cactus look bleached or even orange.

These plants, native to South Africa and known for their showy flowers, can also thrive indoors, though they’re unlikely to bloom in those conditions. Be sure to give this one ample sunlight, keep the soil moist, and rotate it regularly to keep it growing straight.